Kari Thurman is an artist that embraces the viewer experience by creating intimate relationships between the object, the viewer, and their surroundings. Taking form through sculpture and installation, her work plays with notions of fragility and stability, emphasizing both method and material. With the constant repetition of form and process, she hints towards the obsessive nature of art making.
In her early years, she spent most of her time at her grandparents' home due to her mother's work schedule. Growing up viewing her grandmother's traditional role as a housewife in comparison to that of her mother's as a modern working woman created a paradox encompassing supposed women's roles and defining what it means to be feminine. This contradictory way of thinking has played an integral part in shaping her work.
In her early years, she spent most of her time at her grandparents' home due to her mother's work schedule. Growing up viewing her grandmother's traditional role as a housewife in comparison to that of her mother's as a modern working woman created a paradox encompassing supposed women's roles and defining what it means to be feminine. This contradictory way of thinking has played an integral part in shaping her work.